Master Market Research - Databay


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Rotating Residential proxies. Proxies for Market Research

Stay a step ahead of the market

In the fast-paced world of business, staying informed is key to success. Databay's residential proxies offer unparalleled access to global market data, enabling businesses to conduct thorough and efficient market research. With over 7 million proxies in more than 200 countries, Databay ensures reliable and secure data collection, providing the edge needed in today's competitive landscape.

Proxy feature.

Location Targeting

Proxy feature.

Rotating IPs

Proxy feature.

Unlimited Connections

Market Research use case.

Enhance Competitive Intelligence with Secure Data Collection

Competitive intelligence is a cornerstone of market research. With Databay's residential proxies, businesses can securely and efficiently gather data on competitors. This includes tracking pricing strategies, marketing campaigns, and customer engagement tactics. Databay ensures the integrity and confidentiality of your research activities, protecting your data from being flagged or blocked. This secure approach to data collection not only aids in maintaining a competitive edge but also ensures compliance with global data protection regulations.

Leverage Geo-Targeting for Localized Insights

Understanding local markets is crucial for global businesses. Databay's residential proxies enable geo-targeted research, allowing companies to access and analyze content as if they were local users. This capability is invaluable for businesses looking to expand into new markets or tailor their products and services to specific regions. By leveraging Databay's network, companies can gain insights into local consumer behaviors, preferences, and cultural nuances, ensuring more effective and targeted market strategies.

Optimize Ad Campaigns with Audience Analysis

Effective advertising relies on deep audience understanding. Databay’s residential proxies allow businesses to anonymously analyze audience reactions to different ad campaigns across various regions. This insight helps in refining marketing messages and identifying the most responsive audiences. By using Databay's proxies, companies can test ad effectiveness in real-time, making necessary adjustments for maximum impact. This approach not only improves return on investment but also ensures that advertising efforts are resonating with the intended audience.

Accelerate Product Development with Real-Time Market Feedback

Innovative product development is often driven by market feedback. Databay's residential proxies provide access to global consumer opinions, forums, and reviews, allowing businesses to gather feedback quickly and efficiently. This real-time market feedback is crucial for refining product features, addressing customer needs, and identifying potential market gaps. By leveraging Databay’s extensive network, companies can stay ahead in product innovation, ensuring they meet and exceed market expectations.

Market Research FAQs

Databay’s residential proxies provide anonymous, secure, and global access to data, enabling businesses to conduct comprehensive market research. They allow for the collection of real-time data on consumer behavior, competitor strategies, and market trends, essential for informed decision-making.

Absolutely. Databay's residential proxies offer geo-targeting capabilities, allowing businesses to access and analyze market data as if they were local users. This is particularly useful for gaining localized insights and understanding regional market dynamics.

Yes, Databay’s proxies are designed to ensure compliance with global data protection regulations. This ensures that your market research activities are secure and legally compliant, maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of your data collection.

Simple, transparent pricing that grows with you, payments not automatically renewed!

Pay As You Go

$5 +vat

No Data Expiration

No expiration.


$2.8 +VAT

Total: $2.8 +VAT

Data Expiration

31 days



$4 /GB

Total: $40 +VAT

Data Expiration

31 days


$3.5 /GB

Total: $175 +VAT

Data Expiration

31 days


$3.25 /GB

Total: $1625 +VAT

Data Expiration

31 days



$1.99 /GB

Total: $4075.52 +VAT

Data Expiration

31 days

from 10TB

$0.65 /GB

From: $6656 +VAT

Data Expiration

31 days


$3 /GB

Total: $300 +VAT

Data Expiration

45 days

Username:Password *


Whitelisted IPs *

5 **

* Proxy authentication method

** Per Proxy User


$3 /GB

Total: $900 +VAT

Data Expiration

62 days

Username:Password *


Whitelisted IPs *

5 **

* Proxy authentication method

** Per Proxy User


$3 /GB

Total: $2250 +VAT

Data Expiration

124 days

Username:Password *

No proxy users limit

Whitelisted IPs *

5 **

* Proxy authentication method

** Per Proxy User

Proxy feature.

7M+ Residential IPs
Rotating or Sticky

Proxy feature.

Geo-Infiltering plans : Countries, States, Cities, ASNs & more

Proxy feature.

No Concurrent
Connections limit

Proxy feature.

HTTP & SOCKS5 support

Proxy feature.

7/7 Support

Proxy feature.

Full API Access

Not sure which service best suits your needs? Get in touch Chevron right.

Need bigger plans?

Chat with us and we'll find the best solution for you.

Pay with Mastercard. Pay with VISA. Pay by wire transfer. Pay in Bitcoin. Pay in Ethereum. Pay in Litecoin.

Check Domain Availability with Our Domain Availability Tester

Note that the result is not always accurate.

Most Commonly Asked Questions

Everything you need to know before using our products. If you can't find the answer to your question, contact our team at [email protected]

A proxy server sits between your computer and the internet. Acting as a bridge between your web browser and internet services. See our article.

We don't give you a list of proxies, instead we take care of maintaining a pool of millions of IPs spread all over the world for you. When you connect to our servers, we connect you to a new IP for each request. You can choose the location of the IPs, or even decide to keep the same IP.

Our service handles SOCKS5, HTTP and HTTPS traffic over TCP, but doesn't accept direct HTTPS connections to our proxy server. UDP is not enabled.

Almost all sites, except some that are blocked because they are known to be targets of fraudulent attacks. Contact us to get the list.

We currently support two types of authentication: username:password and IP whitelist.

Yes, we have a complete API, you can find the documentation here.

The residential proxies are mostly from wifi connection, the speed depends on many factors: the location of the proxy, the internet connection.

For the moment we do not offer free trials.

Some domains are known to be targeted by cybercriminals, we decided to block some websites domains to protect them.

Your proxy user limit is increased to the highest limit of any plan you have purchased.

Our Blog

Each handpicked blog article offers practical tips and insights, making it easier for you to navigate and utilize our proxies more efficiently. We consistently update this section with content from us and our partners at Databay, ensuring that you always have the latest information to guide your proxy usage. Dive into these reads and unlock the full potential of our residential proxy service.

Get Started with Databay Today

Our services provide you with secure and reliable internet access no matter where you are. We do this by acting like a bridge — called a proxy — that helps you connect with over 7 million devices worldwide. This means you can browse the web, access geo-restricted content, and more, all while keeping your connection secure.