Access your favorite websites from a Pakistan IP address. Our 481,818 IPs from Pakistan allow you to connect to the Internet with an IP that belongs to a real device located in Pakistan.
Please note that the availability of all our proxy types (Residential, Mobile, Datacenter) for this specific country may not be guaranteed. We strongly recommend inquiring about the availability prior to making a purchase.
Databay brings to you an extensive range of proxies from Pakistan, one of the most digitally evolving countries. With our HTTP and SOCKS5 proxies, you can access the web from major cities like Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad. Our proxies can help you maintain anonymity, secure your data, and bypass geo-restrictions.
Our residential proxies are sourced from reliable ISPs such as PTCL, Nayatel, and StormFiber. These proxies are perfect for tasks that require high anonymity, such as market research, social media management, and more. With our residential proxies, you can appear as a regular internet user in Pakistan, blending in with the crowd.
Databay provides datacenter proxies from renowned data centers like COMSATS, Wateen, and Multinet. Ideal for tasks that require rapid response times, our datacenter proxies can help you with web scraping, SEO monitoring, and more. Experience the efficiency of datacenter proxies from Pakistan's leading data centers.
Our mobile proxies come from popular mobile network providers such as Jazz, Telenor, and Zong. These proxies are perfect for tasks that involve mobile-specific data or require high levels of anonymity. Access the mobile web from Pakistan with ease and security.
Our proxies are sourced from reliable ISPs and mobile network providers across Pakistan. Whether you need to access the web from major cities like Karachi, Lahore, or Islamabad, Databay has you covered. Experience the internet without limitations with Databay's Pakistan proxies.
The complete platform to access the world, securely and anonymously.
and IP whitelist.Each handpicked blog article offers practical tips and insights, making it easier for you to navigate and utilize our proxies more efficiently. We consistently update this section with content from us and our partners at Databay, ensuring that you always have the latest information to guide your proxy usage. Dive into these reads and unlock the full potential of our proxy service.
Our services provide you with secure and reliable internet access no matter where you are. We do this by acting like a bridge — called a proxy — that helps you connect with over 23 million devices worldwide. This means you can browse the web, access geo-restricted content, and more, all while keeping your connection secure.